Wednesday, September 26, 2007
-So, it turns out, a burrito a day does not keep the doctor away.
-Soon, your body will change.
-People will not give you a better job/raise because you are skilled.
-People will give you a better job/raise because you beg, scream, and cry, and threaten to leave. And are a suck-up.
-My little dog, Bosco, does not care if he is standing in a huge lake of another dog's pee. He still has to stand, IN Pee Lake, while he makes his little sprinkle. This is ineffectual, and only results in his feet getting wet, but I'm not about to burst his bubble. You do it.
-Mothers, regardless of age, race, and gender (well, maybe not gender) are the most puffed-up, entitled acting...well, mothers, on the planet.
-This morning, while I was walking Bosco to do his tiny Pee Lake sprinkle, two of the mother(effer)s were parked stroller-to-stroller, completely blocking the sidewalk. Yet when I walked all away around them (into the street) so Bosco could pee on a signpost, one of them still went harrumph.
-I almost paid Bosco $200 to go and pee on one of their strollers/infants, but he would only use it to buy silk Hugh Hefner pajamas.