Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Also, he hates, hates, HATES having his picture taken. I thought at first it was just the whirring sound the camera makes, but no. I have attempted even from quite a long way away using a telephoto lens and he still somehow senses the paparazzi. He hates it worse than the celebutards on TMZ.
Here he is, trying to leave:
-The general area
-A picnic
-Hiding under the table, wearing hoodie for disguise.
He even hates it at Christmas:
He hates it on Valentine's Day. In a boat. With a goat.
He hates it WITH A CUPCAKE, for crissake...
I'm going to stop taking pictures now, or else he might explode.
Labels: Boskee skee ska sko skoo skee ska skoo